Inspired by Eugène Boudin (1824 – 1898) – Beach and boats (around 1854 – 1860) – Lead pencil on grey paper – 9,45 x 12,60 inch

As I reach the beach, it’s low tide. Here and there sailing boats try fishing. During this season, sea bream, pollock and pout try to escape the bait, a worm pulled from the mud. But greedy fish falls necessarily into the net. A peaceful sight plays before my astonished eyes. This little girl with her yellow raincoat diggs in the sand, recently released from salt water, looking for razor clames and small crabs. Watch out for your toes, it pinches. Nearby, her grandmother and younger brother are led by the grandfather holding the anchor of the boat. Are they on their way? Have they just come back from a miraculous catch. No hurry, I’ll be fixed shortly.

At 1968 feet to the beach, a fisherman, standing on his boat waves at me. I gladly return his friendly greeting. I’m so keen on typical picturesque atmosphere of rural France. Offshore, another boat with many different sails moving out to the open sea for further adventure. Last but not the least, a final one painfully dragging small boats made for fishing offshore and seasickness.

I sit on the damp sand, take out my notebook and begin to draw the surroundings. The work is hard, I’m a beginner. Some marks randomly on paper. Left to chance, really? No, not quite! Defined rules for perspectives, for curves bring down each of my lines. The rubber is never far away. I look for characteristics in order to put all the boats together. I sometimes paint reality in prettier colors. The characters become living beings. They may be too big, their head too small? Who cares ? I just try to capture The moment. And I’m aware that I’m running out of time. All this little world moves, it doesn’t wait for me, it doesn’t even care about me. Have they only noticed my presence, apart from the fisherman turning his back? I do my best. I play with shades and volumes. The waves are flat, no wind this morning. A light breeze makes me shiver as I finish my draft. Satisfied? Yes, not too bad for a capture on the spot. But fortunately, it was dead calm!