Month: December 2017


Inspired by Vermeer (1632-1675) – A woman holding a scale (around 1664) – Pastel – 8,82 x 7,80 inch

Aleydis loves her job but her third pregnancy is literally killing her. Remaining standing for hours and hours makes her back and belly horribly painful. She is scared, so scared that something awful happened to her. One day, a fortune teller had taken her left hand almost by force and had predicted … No, no, no, she’d rather not remember!

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Johannes or Jan Van der Meer, known as Vermeer (October 31, 1632 – December 15, 1675) is a Dutch Baroque painter.

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Inspired by Johan Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891) – A square in Antwerp (August 10,  1867) – Water color / Black stone / Gouache – 4,92 x 6,85 inch

Antwerp, a mythical city linked to the diamond for more than 500 years. It all began in the 15th century, when the city became one of the most important diamond centers.

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The fruit basket

Inspired by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) – Fruit basket (around 1593-1594) – Oil on canvas – 14,96 x 18,11 inch

Antoine is late. Again ! He had promised. Is it his fault if a lunatic puts a parcel bomb on the subway? Is it his fault if suddenly his subway line was stopped for an unknown period. Is it his fault if he finally has to go all the way around Paris to reach his destination? No, of course not. He wondered about the possibility of taking a taxi, an uber? And then, he told himself that at this hour, Christmas Eve, freezing rain … He would have lost much more time, for sure..

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Mr. Charming

Oil on canvas – 24,01 x 18,11 inch – Unique work

“Once upon a time, in a far far away country, a castle with high towers surrounded by a forest so thick that no one ever ventured there. In these secret places lived a very old man and his daughter with such a white skin and dark hair … “.

– Do these first lines ring the bell to anyone in the assembly here today? Yes ? No ?

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Tea party with elves

Inspired by Odilon Redon (1840-1916) – Marigolds in a chinese mug – Oil on canvas – 10,63 x 7,48 inch

That night, Elsa wakes up suddenly. She glances at the clock. Four in the morning … But what’s the matter with her? It’s the third time this week. Last week as well. But exhausted, she always falls asleep again in seconds, without remembering. Today, it’s different. She has already slept over five hours, almost a full night, at least an ordinary night for her. All of a sudden, a slight noise catches her attention. Where does it come from ? Her wandering thoughts cease instantly to give place to extreme concentration. It comes from just above her head. Or rather slightly on the right, in the corner of the ceiling, the one that separates her bedroom from the bathroom. It sounds like footsteps, discreet but also irregular.

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Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, in French Caravage or le Caravage (September 29, 1571 – July 18, 1610), is an Italian painter.

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