Oil on canvas – 7,87 x 7,87 inch – Unique work
In witches land, deep down in the heart of France, reigns a home, the castle of Nohant-Vic. A magnificent house, an exquisite garden, an artistic and romantic way of life. Welcome to the magical world of George Sand.
When I first met her, I was just 10 years old. A librarian, whom I adored and who recommended books every week, handed me one, George Sand’s «La mare au diable». I knew then love at first sight. I burned through the story, like a quest tale, hymn to life, love in this peasant world with real values. Oh, back then, I didn’t put it that way in my mind as a young teenager. No, I was just captivated by the right words, real feelings, real lives. I felt close to all of this although what I was experiencing on my daily life I wasn’t even close. And if I dared, I still feel out of place today.
The following week, she gave me « La petite Fadette ». I got back to this rural universe that I finally loved so much. A discovery about myself of which I wasn’t immediately aware but many years later. A place so dear to George Sand : the Berry and its sweetness of life accross the seasons. I felt the same passion. And George Sand has become my favorite author since then. I was 10 years old and I lived happily in London.
Many years have passed, many sufferings too and joys sometimes. I put my bags down in the Berry for a while, completely by chance. Although, we all know that there is no such thing as chance. And I visited this enchanting place where the person who had empressed my youth lived. I walked a few steps in her vegetable garden, where perhaps she had planted vegetables herself. She cooked a lot, liked to receive her friends, posed for Eugène Delacroix, read Alfred de Musset’s verses, listened to Frédéric Chopin, wrote more and more! I felt at home in this beautiful and huge house. I would have loved to visit her and talk about everything and especially about nothing, discuss the status of women, everything that has changed and in the end not that much.
My favorite book for now and ever: « Consuelo ».
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