Category: Cosmopolitan (Page 1 of 9)

Couleur menthe à l’eau

Oil on cardboard – 9,5 x 12 inch – Unique work

Dana walks the streets of Amsterdam. Nice weather, it’s even hot. She is on vacation for a few days in the capital of the country of tulips.

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Schreierstoren Café (part 2)

Oil on cardboard – 7 x 9,5 inch – Unique work

Schreierstoren Café, built in the 15th century, was originally a part of medieval Amsterdam. It owes its name to its Tower which was the spot where sailors’ wives said goodbye to their husbands before leaving for sea.

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Schreierstoren Café (part 1)

Oil on cardboard – 7 x 9,5 inch – Unique work

Schreierstoren Café, built in the 15th century, was originally a part of medieval Amsterdam. It owes its name to its Tower which was the spot where sailors’ wives said goodbye to their husbands before leaving for sea.

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The Opening

Oil on cardboard – 9,5 x 12 inch – Unique work

Today is the big day. I came to Amsterdam on purpose to be part of this unique event. One of my paintings on a giant screen in the IJpassage at Amsterdam Central Station. Just like that!

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Shopping in Amsterdam (part 2)

Oil on cardboard – 9,5 x 7 inch – Unique work

We decided to have a little girls’ weekend in Amsterdam. Mid-June should be ideal for good weather. We booked a small boathouse very close to the center with a parking space. Because, yes, we took the car, unfortunately so much cheaper than the train for two people. After a chaotic night, to make a long story short, we slept barely three hours, here we are on the road at 7 a.m. The weather is nice, that’s good news. Should I mention a problem with the tires that had to be re-inflated urgently?! Or this gas station, the last in France before Belgium, whose toilets were out of order?! We arrive at our destination early in the afternoon.

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Shopping in Amsterdam (part 1)

Oil on cardboard – 9,5 x 7 inch – Unique work

We decided to have a little girls’ weekend in Amsterdam. Mid-June should be ideal for good weather. We booked a small boathouse very close to the center with a parking space. Because, yes, we took the car, unfortunately so much cheaper than the train for two people. After a chaotic night, to make a long story short, we slept barely three hours, here we are on the road at 7 a.m. The weather is nice, that’s good news. Should I mention a problem with the tires that had to be re-inflated urgently?! Or this gas station, the last in France before Belgium, whose toilets were out of order?! We arrive at our destination early in the afternoon.

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The pink bike

Oil on cardboard – 9,5 x 7 inch – Unique work

Amber is 10 years old today. For her birthday, her parents organized a mystery trip. They chose a city on a human scale, a place that makes you dream with its little houses of all colors, its canals…. They took the car to go to the Netherlands, to Amsterdam.

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Red Light District

Oil on cardboard – 8 x 8 inch – Unique work

Many cities, if not every city, has a district dedicated to activities reserved for adults. Amsterdam is no exception to the rule.

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The roofs of Paris

Oil on cardboard – 9,5 x 12 inch – Unique work

This vision of the roofs of Paris takes me directly back to my youth. I’m in London and I’m watching a film that has scarred me for life: Mary Poppins.

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The Alexandre III Bridge and me

Oil on cardboard – 9,5 x 12 inch – Unique work

The Alexandre III Bridge is magnificent. It connects the two banks of Paris: the right bank and the left bank, the Esplanade des Invalides and the Grand Palais and its sidekick, the Petit Palais!

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