Inspired by Mary Cassat (1844-1926) – Little girl with a blue hat (around 1911) – Pastel – 11,81 x 9,45 inch
Julie gets lonely in her pink and white wallpapers’ bedroom. It’s time for her little nap and her mother’s favorite TV show, she needs to remain quiet. She leaves her bed, takes her record player left on her little white table and goes back in her sheets. She wants to listen again and again to the story of Peter and the wolf. She loves the flute, the clarinet, the oboe, the horns, the bassoon, the string instruments, the kettledrums and the bass drum standing for all the characters of this tale.
She closes her eyes, and suddenly, the magic happens: a village, a house, a big garden, a barrier and a big forest. There live Peter and his grandfather.
One fine morning, Peter goes for a walk in the meadow. On the branch of a big tree the blackbird, one of Peter’s friend.
A duck comes, beak in the wind, and escapes through the barrier remained open for a swim in the pond. The blackbird approaches and follows a lively chat.
Then the cat, crawling in the grass, catches Peter’s attention, guessing his intention to seize the bird, busy talking. But Peter intends to save his friend from the claws of the cat.
The grandfather, realizing that Peter has come out, leaving the barrier open, warns him against the wolf and brings him back home.
Meanwhile, a huge grey wolf appears on the edge of the woods. In the blink of an eye, the cat hides himself in the tree. The duck rushes out of the pond, quacking. Unfortunately, the wolf runs faster. He swallows the duck with one mouthful.
The cat is sitting on one branch, the bird on another. The wolf, voracious, turns around the tree.
Peter engages a rescue operation. He asks the bird to fly around the wolf’s head. Goingmad, he jumps from all sides. But he is powerless. Peter lets down his lasso and catches the wolf’s tail, pulling it with all his strength. Trapped, the beast struggles angrily. That’s when hunters come out of the forest. Peter orders them not to shoot but to help him bring the wolf to the zoo. Then follows a triumphal procession, the duck, still alive, quacking from the bottom of the wolf’s bowels.
Julie finally fell asleep.
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