Watercolor – 5,51 x 7,48 inch – Unique work
In this troubled, worrying, controversial, dramatic, media-related period, the banks of the Marne seem to have restored their former glory.
After a two-month required confinement, those passionate about family walks on Sundays, weekend sportspeople, and nature lovers can finally enjoy their favorite place.
Ducks gossip happily to their offspring, which bustle about in the pure, plentiful water. And this tiny little duckling lying around, what will happen to him? The distance grows imperceptibly, the cane saw nothing? The brothers and sisters continue their struggle against the flow. The wind picked up. The waves are growing. The little duckling left behind sails under the rollers. He calls desperately but… Suddenly, the mom turns around and gets her youngest child sprayed with fresh water. A severe verbal exchange takes place between the two. But everything gets back to normal. The long line goes back to its daily life.
The gang of teenage friends run past this mini drama without paying any attention to it. They are far too involved in their Sunday mission. What is it ? Stand up paddle, no more stand up at home! Swimsuits have left the wardrobes to return to their real use. For some, they ended up very close to the bodies. They don’t like to puddle humans too much, but frankly, it’s not their fault. Two months of homemade cakes, video games, and sitting on the sofa… No way to maintain a sharp body. This meeting delights the youngs in more ways than one. Freedom of movement in the open air is back. This is the escape from parental authority, which has been so heavy lately. It’s simply the reunion of a friendship that has lasted since kindergarten classes.
Spring blossomed on its own. It was able to give free rein to his inspiration. Vegetation has imperceptibly invaded the paths. City gardeners have had not yet the opportunity to use their secateurs and other instruments of torture. The branches of the trees brace themselves to touch the ground, the heavy and fragrant flowers on either side of the logs thinner and thinner as they grow, subtly deposit their pollen on the hair of distracted and happy to be free walkers.
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