Oil on cardboard – 7 x 9,5 inch – Unique work

Schreierstoren Café, built in the 15th century, was originally a part of medieval Amsterdam. It owes its name to its Tower which was the spot where sailors’ wives said goodbye to their husbands before leaving for sea.

I went there with my daughter on Saturday June 15, 2024 on the occasion of the opening at IJpassage at Amsterdam Central Station of one of my paintings (A green mill in a field of tulips, an oil painting 20×24 inches) among other artworks on a giant digital screen for 7 days. In a few figures: 299 artists from 38 different countries to show 377 artworks. After the opening of this unique event, we had a meeting in the Schreierstoren café with the organizer and the artists who wanted to join the party.

Before entering the café, we come across a couple that I had seen at the station, I speak to them in English. And yes, they agreed to participate in the after-party. Very quickly we realize that we can speak French, they are Belgian! We enter the establishment, a very beautiful place, and we go to the room provided for this purpose. An old-fashioned decoration, obviously! Very nice.

We took a table with this couple and stayed together all evening. It was nice to exchange between artists our techniques, our previous jobs, our similarities also in our culture and our day-to-day life. After all, Belgium is very close, it’s Europe!

Let’s talk about food and drinks at will! A fresh chardonnay, and a variety of Dutch specialties: cheddar nachos with guacamole and fresh cream, fries with mayonnaise, fried meat and cheese balls, vegetables (carrot, celery, cucumber and tomato) with dips. And for dessert : lemon curd pancakes or apple pie.

The food was fantastic and we talked a lot too. Not to mention the artists, very artistic, deep in marketing and experts in selling their image! I admire this ease which is not at all in my DNA. I like solitude and painting in peace. I also like to interact with people who come to meet me at an exhibition. I could talk for hours but it’s in a small group!