Oil on canvas – 7,48 x 9,45 inch – Unique work – SOLD
Seven o’clock in the morning, the alarm clock rings.
I purr as I pat down on her duvet cover, right next to her, just to wake her up entirely. There’s no way she gets back to sleep. I am hungry, I am very very hungry. There are still croquettes in my bowl? Yes, and so what, what’s the big deal? I know there’s more on the top of the shelf, right next to the books she hasn’t read yet. Of course, reading three pages by three pages, she is not ready to move forward! Well, what I say it is, eitherway I say nothing. So, I want and I demand the entirety of my ration. Full stop. And if that’s not enough, I make my claws on the wallpaper she put down lately. And it works perfectly And also I want to pee, and maybe more …
Well, she’s going to have breakfast in bed, watch a Netflix show, like every day. Human life is so great. Me, in a next life, I would like to be a human male, even better a human female! And then, I lie down against her right leg, I know she loves it, I can feel it. And suddenly, I’m entitled to a small piece of biscuit. Oh, no way I could choke on it!
Then, next step, the living room. And there she goes to work in front of her easel. And what about me, I take my ease behind the same easel on the chairs overturned one on the other. I think it’s because the caning is damaged. Oops, I think that by putting myself on it I’m making things worse for the chair. Anyway as long as she doesn’t say anything … A strategic place that allows me to keep an eye on her and watch any of her movements. Seriously, I’m exhausted, twelve years past, it’s something. So, overall I sleep until … ah I forgot, her daughter … Inevitably as soon as she comes home, she cannot help it, she comes to see me and in the worst case, she takes me in her arms without putting me back in place. To make things short, it’s already dark and yet we changed time this weekend. Anyway, I’m hungry, I’m very very hungry.
Some croquettes, I squat the bed and.
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