Oil on cardboard – 8 x 8 inch – Unique work
It’s summer, we’re in Sparta, the religious festivities have begun. There’s a lot going on in this heart!
Oil on cardboard – 8 x 8 inch – Unique work
It’s summer, we’re in Sparta, the religious festivities have begun. There’s a lot going on in this heart!
Oil on cardboard – 12 x 12 inch – Unique work
Ellen feels good. Ellen is happy. The weather is magnificent, she is free, nothing and no one can disturb her state of pure joy.
Oil on cardboard – 12 x 9,5 inch – Unique work
I walk without a destination through the streets of Amsterdam at the end of summer. Looking for something, maybe myself.
Oil on cardboard – 12 x 12 inch – Unique work
It is on a beautiful summer from another time, a beautiful calm and soothing day, a beautiful afternoon to remember, that a young mother whispers to her very young child:
Oil on cardboard – 8 x 8 inch – Unique work
When an old building meets an old building, what do they say to each other? Well, stories of old buildings, of course! And all these stories begin a thousand years ago, without overdoing, none.
Oil on cardboard – 12 x 16 inch – Unique work
Once upon a time, in a pretty town in the depths of the Netherlands, there was a family of five brothers.
Oil on cardboard – 12 x 9,5 inch – Unique work
The storm is close, the sky is filled with heavy grey blue clouds. The sun hastily hid. She tries to hold back her blades, which are racing with the wind, blowing stronger and stronger. Suddenly she no longer controls anything, it’s a rout.
Oil on cardboard – 8 x 8 inch – Unique work
He’s all grey, he was born very small and that’s fine!
Oil on cardboard – 12 x 12 inch – Unique work
We’ve been here for so long. There are a few of us, old buildings of yesteryear, with bright colors, somewhat rickety architectures, with an insignificant joie de vivre.
Oil on canvas – 20 x 24 inch – Unique work
This is the story of a mill that was tired of working. He was tired of having his feet in the water. He longed for another life in a completely different landscape. So …
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